St. Louis City Fitness LLC offers virtual one-on-one, partner, and small group in the St. Louis metropolitan area.

30 Minute In Home Stationary Bike Set Up.png

Now offering in home set up for your stationary bike! Correctly setting up your stationary bike for your body will make a difference in your efficiency of movement, how you feel on your bike and off it. 30 minutes for $35. Contact Justin Wever to set up your appointment today at


PRIVATE Training

Our personal training services cover all aspects of fitness conditioning and may include any of the following, tailored to suit your needs and goals: Services are offered in studio, in home, or virtually.

Functional Training - Strength Training - Core Conditioning - Aerobic Training - Flexibility - Agility and Balance

Specialized Training Services

Weight Management – one-on-one or group training available.

Sport-Specific Training – athletic training to enhance speed, agility, balance, coordination, movement quality and strength as it relates to your desired sport.

Special Needs Training – post-therapeutic training for those who have recently encountered an injury or have a chronic special need to accommodate

Small Group Training* – Duet (two clients/one trainer) or multi-partner (three or more clients/one trainer) training is available in studio, in home, or virtually.



Each client is offered an initial evaluation and consultation which may include the following:

Health History/Lifestyle Questionnaire

Postural Screening – a brief visual analysis of postural imbalances

Seven Day Food Diary Analysis (optional)

Fitness Assessment:

  • Body fat testing

  • Body measurements

  • Cardiovascular fitness test

  • Flexibility test

  • Core strength test and relative strength test


Getting Started

At your first meeting with one of our trainers, your trainer will review your health history form and typically perform a fitness assessment. Your fitness assessment has several components and will give us an idea of your level of cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and muscular strength in several key areas. This information, along with your health history, will help us create the best exercise program for you.

Please take a few minutes to complete the following forms before you meet with one of our trainers:

A brief summary of your medical history and fitness goals/expectations.

 Needed to work with our trainers.

Things to remember

There are a few simple steps you can take to get the very best results from your fitness assessment:

Please dress appropriately for light exercise. You’ll need comfortable clothes and athletic shoes. In addition, we’ll need access to your upper right arm, upper back, and abdomen, so please wear clothing which will allow this. A sports bra works well for women, although we can work around a t-shirt, if you prefer.

Please refrain from any caffeine for 4 hours before your fitness assessment. Caffeine is a stimulant and can raise your heart rate. It can also cause mild dehydration, which can affect your body composition estimates.

Please refrain from over-the-counter medicines before your fitness assessment. Many such medicines can affect the results.

Please complete your Health History and Fitness Assessment Release forms (links above). We must have these forms to proceed with your fitness assessment.