We have some of the finest instructors in the business. Our instructors can help you meet your goals for losing those extra pounds or just trying to recover from aches and pains. We offer one-on-one instruction on the Reformer, Cadillac, Stability Chair, Ladder Barrel, and Mat.

What are the benefits of STOTT PILATES®?

  • Longer, leaner muscles

  • Improves postural problems

  • Increases core strength, stability and peripheral mobility

  • Helps prevent injury

  • Enhances functional fitness

  • Balances strength & flexibility

  • Improves body awareness

  • No-impact workout, which is easy on joints

  • Can be customized to suit everyone from rehab patients to elite athletes

  • Complements other methods of exercise

  • Can improve performance in sports (e.g., golf, skiing, skating, etc.)

  • Improves balance and coordination



What is the difference between STOTT PILATES® and GYROTONIC® TRAINING?

Although there are similarities in training concepts between the two protocols, GYROTONIC® TRAINING includes movements in all three planes within each movement. In addition, as well as incorporating pelvic stability, each movement includes a complete range of circular motion and full articulation of stabilized joints. All major muscle groups are worked interdependently with corresponding breathing patterns. GYROTONIC® TRAINING compliments pilates training, strength training or any type of physical activity.