ROBYN HARTLEY, Business Manager
When I was a tiny one I used to watch my older sister taking ballet class and dream of the day I could join her. At age nine my turn arrived and I never looked back. I went on to dance with the Alabama Ballet when I “grew up” but, more importantly, I went on to discover just how healing and powerful movement is for the body, mind, and spirit.
I have spent over two decades relishing the treasure of teaching ballet to others. From classical training for the aspiring student to choreographing area theatre productions – dance has always been, and will always be, part of my world. It is imbedded in my very being.
However, with all the artsy parts of my personality I also very much thrive in situations where I can use my organization and administrative skills. Stepping into the Business Manager position with St Louis City Fitness has been a beautiful gift. I am surrounded every day by amazing individuals – from the staff to the clients.
I look forward to greeting you every day as you walk through our doors, helping you find answers to your questions, and hearing you share with me the adventures happening in your lives.